Privacy policy

Privacy policy
With the Privacy Policy, we will clarify where and how the personal data of all registered users on our website is stored. This privacy policy applies only to www. and associated subdomains. If there is a link that will connect you to other sites, we do not assume any responsibility regarding the protection of personal data provided by those websites.

Each user, upon registration and purchase, declares that he is familiar with and agrees to our Privacy Policy.

By registering, all personal data that you enter in the registration form will be used for the purposes of product delivery, payment processing, as well as for advertising products and services provided by us, if you have selected this option, and are stored in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and are not transferred to third parties.
From the information we need during registration and/or ordering, we emphasize:
– Name and surname
– E-mail address
–    Order delivery address and
– Phone for contact.
The data we collect and keep will not be published, sold or delivered to a third party except to the competent authorities in a manner determined by the legal regulations of the Republic of North Macedonia. The personal data being processed is not shared with third parties except when there is a legal obligation and legal basis for it, exclusively in the cases, in a manner and in a procedure as determined in accordance with the applicable regulations for the protection of personal data. In addition, when for the purpose of delivery of the ordered products to the buyers, authorized entities will be hired to perform postal services, they as processors are obliged to ensure the protection of personal data that needs to be processed in the process of providing their services.
FC AP Brera Strumica  reserves the right to use IP addresses and other data of users to reveal their identity in case of law enforcement and legal proceedings.

You can change, update or correct your inaccurate personal data and information at any time.

FC AP Brera Strumica has adopted a security and data protection policy, demonstrating our club’s commitment to protecting customer privacy.
With the exception of data of a financial nature, all information that we collect from the website is exclusively for our use (customer relationship, order tracking, etc.) and is not passed on to others for any reason. We do not collect any information of a financial nature, such as card number, etc.

Minors may not provide personal information without the consent of their parents or guardians, and we undertake not to knowingly collect or use information from minors.
We take all protective measures to protect the personal data of buyers in order to minimize the risk of unauthorized access and misuse of the same.

This privacy policy is effective as of February 2023.
Changes in the privacy policy will be publicly announced on the website at least 10 days before they are enforced.

The website uses “cookies” to help users adapt the use of the Internet to their needs. “Cookie” is a text file that is assigned to the hard disk of the user’s computer by the network server. “Cookies” cannot be used to launch a program or transmit a virus to the user’s computer. They are assigned only to users and can be read by the network server in the domain that sent them to you. One of the primary purposes of “cookies” is to provide you with conveniences that will save you time. Details of the Cookie Policy are available at the following LINK.

Purchase Terms and Conditions
The prices of all products on are expressed in Denars including VAT.

FC AP Brera Strumica reserves the right to change prices, in accordance with the club’s policy, without notice to users. A price correction will not be made if the order is accepted. The buyer undertakes to pay the price, which is offered at the time of execution of the order, regardless of the fact that the price may be changed in the meantime.

To purchase products on regular retail prices apply.
All discounts, promotions and special promotional package products
  will be additionally marked as special offers.

Product stock is limited. Accordingly, a certain order may be rescheduled in the shortest possible time due to depletion of stocks.

The buyer can choose one or more products, as well as a set of products from the offer of FC AP Brera Strumica
The buyer can cancel, add or correct the order at any time, before making the payment.
Registration is not mandatory for the processing of the order, but during the order, the contact data, as well as the delivery address, are mandatory.
After the completion of the order, an e-mail will be sent to the address specified for confirmation of the order. In case of possible technical problems with the website, FC AP Brera Stumica has the right to refuse the order or stop the purchase process, and we are not obliged to make any compensation, except for the return of the funds paid by the buyer.

The collection of purchased products is carried out by the person from the courier service.

This site is registered on as a development site.